Smoke Detector | Safety Switches | Thomas Blake Electrical

The Importance of a Safety Switch in Your Home or Business

Electricity is a vital power source that we use every day. And, considering the surging reliance on electricity for almost everything, it becomes significant to install safety switches. Installation of these switches is considerable for both offices and homes however commercial properties more so. Safety switches assist in enhancing the safety and security of families in their home and office employees.

Given below are details about these switches:

What is a safety switch?

Safety switches are popularly known as RCD. They help in eliminating all the risks emanating from any electrical devices. In the absence of safety switches, several accidents occurred in Australia that proved to be fatal in some cases. Safety switches have been designed to diagnose when an electricity leak may occur and when it may cut flow at the source. Safety switches help to boost security and save many lives every year. It can effectively enhance the protection of electrical devices. It’s best to seek professional advice when you plan to get them installed in your home or offices, Thomas Blake Electrical can help with this.

Do you require a safety?

A large number of people get safety switches installed at their property on the main power circuits, this helps in offering you a higher degree of safety. You must ensure that safety switches are installed at every single circuit point throughout the office or home.  Safety Switches Electrician Carindale Thomas Blake Electrical, offers individuals top-quality safety switches at cost-effective prices. Safety switches can effectively find out when an electrical appliance is about to short and may close down the circuit – this can save anybody from potential electrocution.

Are safety switches easy to operate?

The answer is a resounding yes – they are convenient and extremely simple to operate. Soon after you get them installed, you just need to ensure that they are functioning properly.

How can you get them installed?

A leading electrical service provider will be able to install reliable safety switches throughout your property. They will also be able to guide you with the ideal places to locate the safety switches in your homes and businesses. They will also give you an estimate as well about the entire cost for their installation on your property.


You should never take a chance with electrical safety so ensure that you do all you can to ensure your family or employees safety. If you think safety switches sound like they might suit you, get in contact today with Thomas Blake Electrical for all your electrical needs.