Tag Archive for: Smoke Detectors

Why You Should Always Hire an Electrician to Install Your Smoke Detectors

Have you just built or renovated your home? There are many things that you need to take care of when you build a new home. You may need South Brisbane Electrical Services to install lighting and security systems. You will need to install smoke detectors as well to enhance their overall safety. It is worth noting that battery-powered detectors are quite economical and simple. However, it is imperative to seek the services of professionals for installing and replacing smoke detectors.

Here are the reasons as to why you should hire a professional electrician:

1. Australian Law mandates hiring a professional:

When it comes to installing smoke detectors, Australian law has strict rules and regulations in place. It is important to note that homes built before 1997 may depend on battery-powered alarms however, homes built after 2014 have interlinked smoke alarms that are hard-wired to your main power supply. Working in the main power supply is a risky job and you will need the professional assistance of a licensed electrician who can effectively install the smoke detectors and alarms by adhering to all legalities. It might seem like a simple task but, if you do not follow the rules and regulations, you may end up facing $5000 in fines.

2. An electrician will advise appropriately:

You may come across scores of smoke detectors in shops and online. However, it is not advisable to choose just any of them. If you seek to enhance your safety, your alarm must meet Australian Standard AS 3786-1993. The smoke detectors must also have a scientific Services Laboratory or SSL certification. Interestingly, you can discover an entire list of permitted alarms at ActiveFire.Gov.AU. Licensed electricians often tie-up with leading smoke detector producers and help in seizing deals on alarms. When you seek the services of an electrician in Coorparoo, you will be recommended an ideal device for all your requirements.

3. A professional electrician can deal with installation:

For effective results, it is appropriate to hire an expert to install your detectors. The expert will place your detectors in such a way so that there is the least possibility of false alarms. They will also be able to keep your device far from your AC, fans, and heaters.


There are several advantages of hiring a licensed electrician. They can effectively install smoke alarms in Cleveland in a hassle-free manner. You will get increased protection and safety with the installation of smoke detectors on your property. Smoke detectors and alarms may appear to be small yet inexpensive devices, but they play a vital role in safeguarding your home. So speak to a professional electrician today about installing detectors in your home.