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5 Reasons to Change your Halogen Lights to LEDs!

Recently, some countries introduced a ban on the manufacturing and export of halogen light bulbs. Although Halogen bulbs are still available for purchase, several types are not in production anymore. Therefore, it is the ideal time to switch to LED lighting. It is worth noting that LED lights are highly durable and last much longer than halogen bulbs. LED lights have been designed in such a way that they can operate for up to 35,000 hours, which may even stretch to 100,000 hours sometimes. LED lights do not burn out over a period of time like halogens or lose any brightness.

Here are some of the reasons that will reveal why you should prefer LED lights:

1. Energy-efficient:

LEDs have emerged to be highly energy-efficient. They offer users a whopping 80% to 90% efficiency which implies that 80 to 90% of LED lights’ energy is turned into light instead of heat. Over a period of time, you will discover it to be a wise investment as they last far longer than other available options. You can seize great deals when you contact electrician Capalaba for installation services.

2. No harmful ultraviolet ray emissions:

It is important to note that when you buy LED lights, you will notice the least infra-red light; they have emerged as an ideal option if you want to eliminate UV rays emission. LEDs are also appropriate for use in storage facilities and cupboards, as these lights do not degrade stored materials by UV rays or heat. You will notice that museums often use LED Lights to brighten displays sans affecting the artifacts.

3. Ecologically sound:

LEDs do not include any harmful compounds or elements such as mercury and they are totally recyclable. When you use these lights, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint by a third. These lights last for a long time and when compared with halogen lights they last 35 times longer. It also means that they can save considerably on material and production costs. You can get your LED lights installed at Thomas Blake Electrical, the top electrician in Brisbane.

4. LEDs are robust:

LEDs are manufactured from powerful materials and components so this is why they can withstand even harsh weather conditions with ease. LEDs can also sustain shocks, vibrations, and abrasion without any difficulty and, this is one of the reasons why they are used for roadside and civil engineering applications.


LED lights will meet all your requirements with ease. You may seek leading electrical services from Thomas Blake Electrical to have them installed on your property. Contact Thomas Blake today to chat about your needs and how we can help.